Men’s Health MOT2024-07-23T14:28:44+00:00


Health niggle bothering you?

Reached a milestone age you’d like to celebrate with candles and a check-up?

Want an idea of what’s in store for you?

All valid reasons to get that body of yours thoroughly checked out. After all, you think nothing of servicing your car. Why not a comprehensive once-over of you?

Your first port of call may be the NHS. A great option if you want a quick look under the bonnet and kick of the tyres. But the problem is, it’s designed to check out everybody not your particular body. Tick boxes, templates, standard lifestyle analyses, blah blah blah.

Oh, and if you’re over 40, certain things may get overlooked.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, we would say that. But it’s true. You won’t find a better Health MOT on the market. It’s totally bespoke and built around your particular story.

  • We only do tests or examinations that are genuinely useful.
  • Tests that you need and which provide effective preventative health for the over 40’s.
  • We deal with you as a rounded person, not one simple health concern.
  • We treat your problem rather than just refer it on or bat it back to your GP.
  • We’ll agree a plan of action and stick to it.
  • All of our consultations are with a doctor who specialises in men’s health.
  • You’ll get a comprehensive report to pore over.
Initial Consultation

A full 1 hour face to face (online, if preferred) with a specialist Men’s Health doctor. Going through your symptoms, past medical history, mental health, family history, risk factors, lifestyle, exercise and diet.

Physical examination

A full physical exam, urine dipstick, ECG (heart trace), and blood test tailored to your needs. Additional imaging (X-rays or other scans*) if required.

Blood Analysis

An accredited lab will fully analyse your bloods. Results received to H3 Health in 4-5 days. Online consultation? We’ll arrange a local clinic take your bloods (small additional cost).

Follow-up Consultation

With your H3 Health doctor. You’ll receive a detailed breakdown of the results and he’ll talk you through any recommendations. Put in a report and shared with you via our secure portal.

Treatment Path (if clinically appropriate)

We’ll offer a treatment plan or suggest further investigations (H3 Health will support you in arranging).

*Imaging such as ultrasound and CT scans are not included in the cost of a health check.

Save £250 with our limited time offer!

This summer you can book a health MOT with one of our Doctors for just £500*.

You can see a Doctor either face-to-face at one our clinics in Warwickshire or you can have the consultation remotely (using secure web conferencing)  – whatever is best for you.


General wellness.

Niggles, worries, anything you want to discuss. Don’t be shy.

Mental health.

Depression, anxiety, stress. It’s such a big area and we’ll give you time to chat about it.

Cardiovascular health.

The biggest killer in men. So, we look at lifestyle factors, family history, symptoms, sleep, exercise diet and nutrition.  We measure blood pressure, pulse, heart sound, perform an ECG, and carry out blood tests for cholesterol, testosterone, diabetes and pre-diabetes.

General health.

We’ll look at core health markers such as anaemia, immunity, kidney and liver function. And we’ll do it properly, investigating any underlying causes.

Prostate health and the renal system.

Checking urine for protein and blood for markers of kidney disease. We measure BP and test PSA and calcium levels. Not your standard PSA test, but a complete prostate and urinary system check-up.

Diabetes screening.

Not the old fashioned finger-prick blood test for glucose. We use an HBA1c blood test which can pick up early markers of diabetes years before you get symptoms.

And we go further. Type 2 diabetes is also an indicator of ‘metabolic syndrome’. Putting men at risk of stroke, heart attack, kidney disease, peripheral vascular disease, fatty liver disease, and other problems. So, we’ll assess for this, looking at cardiac risk, blood pressure, cholesterol, HBA1c, renal function, lifestyle, bodyweight, BMI, percentage fat, etc.

Male health.

This is our speciality. Low testosterone and erectile dysfunction. And we do it in a way that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable.


No matter what health check you do, you cannot screen for all cancers. Even a ‘full body MRI’ would miss some. Instead, we screen for those we can look out for – prostate cancer and bowel cancer. Suggesting preventative measures to reduce the risk.


Led By Experts

Dr Jeff Foster is a Men’s Health specialist and is Medical Director and founder of H3Health.  He is passionate about raising awareness of all aspects of Men’s Health, and is heavily involved in both teaching and health promotion.  Most importantly he is an expert in Testosterone Deficiency and has helped hundreds of men with the condition!

Dr Jeff heads up a team of male doctors at H3 Health –  each of whom is also a expert in the field of Testosterone Deficiency. Regardless of which Doctor you wish to see, you can rest assured you are in good hands – as each Doctor is personally chosen and mentored by Dr Jeff.

Meet all of the H3 Health Doctor team

Dr Jeff Foster BSc (Hons), MB ChB, DRCOG, MRCGP
Medical Director & Male Health Lead


“Having suffered the impact of Low Testosterone for several years, also being aware of it and it’s effects, I was frustrated with the inability of my GP to take it seriously or even consider any treatment. Having researched potential options, including reading Dr Fosters book, I took the plunge and set up a meeting with H3 health, It was a relief to finally know that I would be listened to and the condition taken seriously. The whole process of the appointment, follow up tests and then treatment was amazing. I now feel like I’m starting to get ‘me’ back. I’d highly recommend H3 Health (and Jeff) to anyone, especially to any Men who are suffering with low T. It’s life changing!”

“This was the first time I have dipped my toe into the world of private health care. I was not sure what to expect. The whole experience has been brilliant from start to finish including the administration, blood test and consultations. I would not hesitate to recommend H3 to anyone. They are excellent to deal with.”

“H3 health was the only practice to see me others I found were put off due to moderate GGT levels. Glad that I was welcomed as a patient to start my journey to feeling whole again.”

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