Help Centre
Find answers to our most frequently asked questions here.
Don’t forget if you can’t find the answer to your question, you can always get in touch at either or on 03309 120769 (National Rate).
Working to improve your health and help you get more from life
Frequently Asked Questions
- About H3Health
- Appointments
- Blood Tests
- Female Health
- Heath MOT (Male & Female)
- Important
- Introduction To H3 Health
- Male Health
- Menopause
- Patients With Additional Needs
- Prescriptions
- Testosterone Deficiency
Wherever possible you will always see the same doctor as you progress through your treatment with us.
We want to practice as safely as we can and involve your normal GP. We will notify your GP of treatments we provide so that they can update their systems and ensure that there are no concerns highlighted over other treatment you might be receiving from them. For example, some medications cannot be taken alongside others, or you might need more monitoring with some.
For that reason, we ask that you provide your GP’s details before your first appointment using the email address.
All of our consultations are doctor-led. You will see a practicing GP, all of whom work within the NHS also, and have a dedicated interest in either Men’s or Women’s Health. For example, for testosterone deficiency you will see a male GP who has a specialist interest and understanding of this condition. For menopause, we have female GPs who have a specialist interest in Women’s Health. Where additional support or treatment is required, we can also refer you to our other specialists such as hospital consultants.
H3 Health DOES NOT provide
- Treatment for anyone under the age of 18
- Treatment for anyone who resides outside of the United Kingdom
- Acute illnesses
- Drug or alcohol support treatment
- Other than our in our own area of specialty, H3 Health will not initiate specialist disease modifying drugs (DMARDs) from other hospital specialties, in particular ADHD or high-risk psychiatric medicines and controlled drugs are issued only in exceptional circumstances, and no bio-identical drugs
If you are unsure about any of the above, please contact or call 03309 120769.
If you are seen in person, then this will be at either;
- Warwick Nuffield Hospital, The Chase, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa, CV32 6RW
- Balsall Common Health Centre, 1 Ashley Drive, Balsall Common, Coventry, CV7 7RW
After you have your pre-appointment assessment, if you require a blood test we will arrange a convenient time and location for one of our trained healthcare specialists to visit you to take bloods and carry out any other physical tests that may be required.
We try to keep any additional costs to a minimum, and in general, there is only a charge for your consultations, blood tests and any medications that are issued. Provided they are within a reasonable time frame, we do not charge for additional questions, but further in-depth consultations would be charged for accordingly. We also sometimes do request an additional charge if private letters are required for insurance reasons or travel.
Your care will be overseen and organised by a named doctor, who will determine the best course of treatment for you and stay with you throughout your treatment.
Unless there are any reversible causes for your low testosterone, (such as obesity, alcohol consumption, some medications etc…), when you stop taking the medication, your testosterone levels will simply go back to what they were before treatment. In a small percentage of patients, we are able to use TRT to help them change their lifestyle enough that they may not need to remain on testosterone replacement, and may be able to produce hormone naturally.
After you have seen the doctor, they will send a letter to your normal GP advising of any new diagnosis, treatments and plans.
The consultation costs include the appointment with the GP only. It does not cover prescriptions, follow-up appointments, monitoring blood tests or any further investigations.
The simple answer is yes. Testosterone is a widely used and abused drug, and many patients who have previously taken TRT from other clinics or used anabolic steroids are surprised to find out how much safety monitoring is involved in prescribing TRT. However, unmonitored testosterone replacement can result in high blood pressure, psychological disturbance, blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. At H3 Health we are here to make your health and wellbeing our priority, and not just a quick fix.
All our doctors follow national guidance via the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) or the British Society of Sexual Medicine (BSSM). Accordingly, a normal testosterone level should be between 15-30nmol/l, irrespective of age. In the NHS, the lower limit of testosterone is usually set at around 6-8nmol/l however, there is no specific reason for this.
We strongly recommend that all men who are told they have normal testosterone levels, but are symptomatic of testosterone deficiency, should book an appointment to determine whether their total testosterone is actually low. Could it be their free testosterone that’s below target, or is there another issue causing similar symptoms that could be treated?
We do not treat anyone under the age of 18 years.
We do not provide urgent care or treatment of acute conditions.
If you have a medical emergency we request you call 999 or urgent care service via your NHS GP or 111 service.
H3 Health is regulated by the Care Quality Commission who are the independent regulator of health and social care in England – you can find out more about the CQC at their website.
Difficulty with English should not be a barrier to seeking health care or accessing our services at H3Health. Therefore, we work closely with a variety of interpreter services, (including sign language) to make your appointment easier. To arrange an interpreter please call us on
03309 120769 (National Rate) or email us at with the language you require and we will arrange this for your appointment.
- We would ask you to let us know if you require this service as soon as possible after making your important, but not less than 48 hours prior.
- Please note that we request you do not use family or friends as an interpreter as this can remove patient confidentiality.
We are happy to arrange a certified and impartial interpreter to facilitate your appointment. Our full interpreter policy is available on request.
You can call 03309120769 (national rate) to speak to one of our team or use the online web contact form. You can also email
Please note that we do not provide urgent care or assistance, and in these cases, you need to contact NHS 111, or 999 if an emergency. Or contact your own GP for other matters.
It can take up to 7 days for the processing of your blood tests and for us to receive notification from our partner, Nationwide Pathology. Once we have received them your doctor will be notified, and they will review them. Your doctor will then email them to you with any comments, via a secure link.
Depending on your chosen service, you may have a follow-up consultation to discuss your results.
We send your prescriptions via electronic prescribing to our pharmacy partner, CloudRx. They will prepare them for you, and deliver the medication to your door within 72 hours, and often sooner.
Every patient on testosterone replacement therapy will be monitored as per the British Society of Sexual Medicine guidelines which advise a 3 and 6-month follow-up. These reviews involve a blood test and doctor review to make sure the medicine is working properly, your treatment is optimised, and it is safe.
At H3Health we recognise that there may be patients who require additional support to access our services, and that these additional needs might be either visible or hidden. To facilitate this, we ask that you simply let our secretary or administration team know when you contact us. They will then contact your doctor and we will liaise with you directly to make sure any needs are met.
In terms of physical disabilities, all our clinical sites have wheelchair access, and appropriate mobility support, we offer a hearing loop, and a sign language interpreter as required. We also have the facility to translate documents into braille at patient request.
For those patients with non-visible disabilities, we offer longer appointments, (at no further charge), as well as a bespoke written summary of the consultation plan moving forward. Follow-up questions, are also permitted at any point.
For patients with more significant disabling conditions, H3Health also allows for the use of advocates and we would also advise any patients and their representatives that we would work closely with their NHS GP moving forward.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) medication costs vary depending on the type of medication used. But for example:
- Short-acting injections from around £25 per month
- Gels from £40 per month
- Long-acting injections £40 per month
We also offer single testosterone injectables, topical creams and fertility assistance treatment where appropriate. For Prices please contact us.
The cost of blood tests vary. We will recommend the most appropriate group of tests to suit your requirements. We can test for one thing alone, or a group.
The cost of the prescription varies depending on what you need. Charging is very different from NHS treatments where the prices are subsidised and you only pay £9.35 per drug regardless of how many packs you need. Some items are more expensive – Female Testosterone, for example, is £80 per tube, but this will last 3-4 months.
Your initial consultation will be for approximately 30 minutes.
Please see – we take all complaints very seriously and will investigate your issues in a customer-centric way.
You can call 03309120769 (national rate) to speak to one of our team or use the online web contact form. You can also email
Alternatively, a number of our services can be booked online – you’ll see a Book Now button on the appropriate service pages.
Unfortunately, we can only see and treat patients who are residing in the UK. We are unable to treat anyone who lives, or is temporarily, overseas.
H3 Health will inform your registered NHS GP of any diagnoses made by H3 Health (or its partners) along with the details of any treatments / prescriptions made.
It is a requirement of booking with H3 Health that you must provide us details of your registered NHS GP and practice. If you are not able/willing to do so, we may not be able to treat you and H3 Health may at its discretion cancel your appointment or any ongoing treatment.
Your GP details MUST be supplied prior to your initial consultation – if there are any difficulties in doing this, please contact prior to your consultation.
Our clinical hours may sometimes vary due to bank holidays etc, but are normally 9am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday (though some Doctors are only available at certain times of the week).
If you are unable to find a slot that is suitable however, then please don’t hesitate to contact us at or on 03309 120769 (National Rate) to see if we can offer you an evening or weekend appointment. Please note that this isn’t always possible, but we are keen to ensure that wherever we can, our patients are able to see a Doctor at a time that suits their needs.
No, a GP letter is not needed. However, you are welcome to send us a letter, or a summary, if you feel it would help.
We have partnered with a national phlebotomy service who offer accredited blood tests all over the U.K. As such, we would request that, where possible, you do not obtain blood tests elsewhere. For those patients that have already had blood tests, we are happy to use them provided they were obtained from a reputable source, such as your NHS GP. However, we ask that you do not expect your NHS surgery to do further testing for you as you have chosen to seek private health care. If you do obtain blood tests from other clinics, they may need to be repeated (especially if via finger prick).
Yes – we offer remote appointments via our secure web conferencing system (it’s very similar to Zoom or MS Teams).
We offer the same level of service for remote appointments – but obviously cannot carry out any physical examinations.
When it is safe to do so and you are stable on your medication, we can issue a set quantity, or allow you to order your medication as needed. Some medication requires monitoring, such as blood tests, and you will be reminded of this. Failure to complete these monitoring requirements will mean we will not be able to issue your prescription for safety reasons.